Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Time Management

Rakan Faqeera
Mazen Alrashidi

Time Management
The main concern of students on campus is that they have a lot of things to do and not much time in hand. Some students juggle a lot of things at the same time which include part-time work, studying for various subjects, finishing homework, extra-curricular activities, campus events, etc. As a matter of fact, a lot of students lack time management skills, which does not help me, succeed towards achieving their academic goals. The following suggestions should help students like me improve their time-management skills to better handle the academics. Students need to divide their work into three categories mainly studying, working and having fun. To manage studies, students need to consider the deadlines and the difficulty level of the homework. For example, I have 2 assignments to do for this week. On the first day, I complete one assignment and the second on the next day. On the other hand, if I procrastinate and decide to complete both assignments on the last day of the week, I may not be able to finish it. To avoid stress and anxiety, I can finish my homework on time and have more time left for other activities or responsibilities such as reading books, preparing for exams, etc. I will not be stressed at work and I will also have ample time to hang out with my friends and relax a bit.

 Things to be considered for time management would be the amount of days to be left for relaxation. There can be three days off during the week, but it is only based on how well the student manages or accomplishes task for the rest of the days in the week. I may decide to go to work for two days and relax for a day. In order to gain more time, it is not a good idea to skip classes. Using time management, we can organize time well enough to have ample free time left to catch up with other activities. For example, like I have three days off each week. I can decide to work on part-time on campus for two days and relax and have fun with my friends for one day. I will have to money to support my education as well as time to relax with my friends. Moreover, I do not have to skip classes because I can manage time well. However, if I decide to work for four days, I will have to skip classes to make room for work. This will eventually affect my studies, which is not beneficial in any case. A student needs to set aside enough time to relax. Students can have one or two days off depending on the work load each week. Everyone needs some relaxation. It is the best way to recover the brain from stress and depression. For example, I can manage my time very well. I manage to finish all my homework and assignments on time. I revise my subjects regularly and always prepare myself for exams in time so that I have enough free time to relax. After relaxing for a day, my brain recovers and is ready for the next busy week. In case I do not manage my time properly, I will not have enough time to relax and recover and it will affect my attentiveness in class. That will adversely affect my studies. There are various resources available that can help a student manage time very well. Making use of calendars, to-do lists, emails, etc. can be of great help when it comes to managing schedules. In case a student forgets a task, he can always set a reminder in his calendar or his cell phone early enough that he gets enough time to work on it before it is due for submission. Creating a task list will help students prioritize tasks according to their level of difficulty, time required, etc. Planning ahead is definitely something that helps a student manage time while looking at the big picture. Having an organized workplace also helps better manage time. If the workplace is well organized, a student will not waste any time looking for specific material and will have everything handy when required. Sticky-notes prove to be helpful in some cases. They are handy and can be posted anywhere at your workplace. The tasks on these notes can then be moved to a larger task list and prioritized accordingly. As we know, time management is the most important skill that the university students should develop in order to improve the schedule and do well in studies. If the students assign enough time for all three activities: studies, work and fun, they won’t have to worry about anything. Time management for studies will help them complete all assignments on time as well as give them enough time to revise for examinations. You can set aside enough time for work if you manage your time properly. It will also help you relax and recharge for the forthcoming adventures. Even though the skill of time management is hard to use, it can be used to our advantage completely. Students can make their academic schedule less stressful and manage everything perfectly. This will not only help students in academics, but in almost every task that we handle as a grown-up in the real world. This should be considered as a practice or a preparation for the great adventures that are yet to be unveiled in life. 

In conclusion, there are many benefits of using time management. In fact, As we know, time management is the most important skill that the university students should develop in order to improve the schedule and do well in studies. Also, as you know by being on time in classes and submitting home work on time that’s will make the professor give you a high respect. As I explained in the begging of the essay the following suggestions that I addressed should help students like me improve their time-management skills to better handle the academics

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