Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The History of Saint Leo

Mohammed Alsurayyi, Osama Halabi, Sattam Alhuwayshil
The History of Saint Leo University
            Saint Leo was founded as the first Catholic college in Florida State, on June 4, 1889 by group of Benedictine monks from Saint Vincent Arch abbey in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Saint Leo University started opening its door on September 14, 1890 with an enrollment of 32 students (Horgan, 2). It received a request from the armed service in 1973 to offer degree programs on military bases at home and abroad. Nowadays, Saint Leo University is one of the largest providers of higher education to military-related personal in the U.S. Also, it continues in the tradition of distance learning. Online learning in Saint Leo University Center was established in 1999, as one of the first online schools in the United States; however, Saint Leo keeps growing dramatically, and it was upgraded from college to university on august 24, 1999. Many new centers have been established in recent years. In July 2011, the university opened its Channelside Tampa Education Center, a facility which houses five classrooms. The classes are offered at night and on evening for continuing education students. The purpose of this research is to explore the origins, founding of Saint Leo and holy name, building a church, mission and values.
            Saint Leo originated underneath the leadership of Edmund Francis Dunne. Dunne started a colony in Florida for catholic people called San Antonio in 1881-1882 as a cultural enclave due to the dream his father had about starting a colony (Horgan, 1). The colony is still the same size as it was when it was established (Horgan, 1). Half of the people residing in the colony were Germans, so Dunne had to send for a German translator to come and join the colony in 1886. Nonetheless, Gerard Pilz was this translator (Horgan, 1- 2) Shortly after Gerard arrived, the Benedictine sisters came to San Antonio and established the Holy Name Academy on March 11. Nuns were sent to “take over the catholic elementary schools which had begun in 1883-1884.”(Horgan, 2) They were sent in order to keep the schools strict with catholic rituals. On June 4th Saint Leo College was founded. The college was named after Pope Leo XIII because of his work in promoting the idea of Catholic colonies and education (Horgan, 5). Moreover, Saint Leo had kept the same catholic values since it was established. On the other hand, the education of Saint Leo University has been changed for the better. In the beginning, the college was smaller and had lower professors, but now it has more professors and higher degrees.
Founding of Saint Leo University and Holy Name
            On February 7th 1889, Rev. Leo Haid abbot of Maryhelp arrived at San Antonio. Then, he wanted to erect a college there (Horgan, 1). He selected the land for the college, choosing reviewer Edmund’s Dunne’s offer of 36 acres on the south shore of Lake Jovita (Horgan, 1). The lake is a huge lake which is behind the Saint Leo University now. After that, he searched for a charter from the Florida state’s government to run a college. The Governor Francis P. Fleming signed into law an act approved by the legislature incorporating “the Order of Saint Benedict of Florida” consisting of Leo Haid, Gerard Pilz, Frederick Hoesel, and their associates (Horgan, 1). The contract marked two purposes for the new college: the main objects have to be the education of youth and the creation of churches and conducting services therein (Horgan, 1). In fact, these are the main objects that have to be in any University. Education of the youth will be the future. Also, the college has to have whatever degrees the students wish.
There is also a convent on Saint Leo University campus, “Holy Name Convent was an independent house from the very beginning, unlike Saint Leo” (Horgan, 1). Holy Name Convent was a great granddaughter of the 1852 pioneer Benedictine convent (Horgan, 1). The Benedictine sisters started teaching at St. Anthony and St. Joseph elementary schools, but they began their new academy within a few days of their arrival in September 1889 (Horgan, 1). One hundred dollars was the amount per five months for the session for the tuition and board, including the bedding and washing, at Holy Name Academy; however, it cost two hundred dollars for the year for the same amenities as at Saint Leo College (Horgan, 1). Therefore, Holy Name and Saint Leo have a common and circumstance: they are grandchildren of their respective Benedictine founders in America (Horgan, 1). The first list extended its statement of purpose, seeing planning for “the grave responsibilities of life,” as well as “an ornamental position:”
The course of instruction is thorough and systematic, nothing being omitted which will tend to the high moral and mental culture expected of young ladies of the present day, and which will enable pupils of the academy to leave its portals prepared to fill not only an ornamental position in society, but, should circumstances render it necessary, to fill, with equal grace and ease, the grave responsibilities of file, which sometimes so suddenly devolve upon us (Horgan, 49)
Building a Church
The Golden Anniversary was celebrated in Saint Leo in 1939-1940 (Horgan, 475) Numbers of activities were in the same year to raise consciousness about the past (Horgan, 475). “ the commemoration culminated on December 15, 1940, with a solemn Pontifical Mass in the gymnasium, celebrated by newly installed St. Augustine Bishop Joseph P. Hurley. A thousand people were on hand, including friends, students, monks, sisters, two bishops, and three abbots- among them old San Antonio boy Frederic Dunne of the Trappist monastery of Gethsemani, Kentucky, the son of captain Hugh Dunne” (Horgan, 476).Abbot Francis Sadlier built the church from the vision of his predecessor Charles Mohr. On November 22, 1932 Abbot Francis received approval for his building plans but it was in the middle of the Great Depression and the college was at a financial low. Despite all delays, the building of the church began in August 1936 and this process lasted approximately 12 years. While building the church, Saint Leo traded oranges and grapefruits and was given the nickname “The church that orange juice built.” On January 29, 1948 the church had its opening and celebratory service. However, the picture is somewhat overstated. Also, “Abbot Francis led the way in fund-raising for the church” (Horgan, 479). Countless letters of solicitation had sent out by him (Horgan, 479).
Mission & Values
            As known, Saint Leo University is one of the catholic and liberal arts-based universities helping people of all faiths. It strives for widely growth in mind, spirit, and body for all members of its community. Also, it offers actual and practical model for life and leadership in a challenging world on its home campus and many extension centers. In terms of achievement its mission, Saint Leo University community generates a student-centered environment in which love of learning is of prime importance. The university community enables members to express and observe their own values,” listen respectfully to and respond to the opinions of others, serve the community in which they live, welcome others into lives, and care for all of God’s creations.” Its values are numerous and beneficial, such as excellence, respect, and personal development. Saint Leo University is an educational institution. “All of us, individually and collectively, work hard to ensure that our students develop the character, learn the skills, and assimilate the knowledge essential to become morally responsible leaders. The success of our University depends upon a conscientious commitment to our mission, vision, and goals” SaintLeo.edu.
                In conclusion, group of Benedictine monks from Saint Vincent Arch abbey in Latrobe, Pennsylvania have founded Saint Leo University on June4, 1889. From that time until this modern time, the university community has remarkable expansions and development. There are several facts about the history of Saint Leo University, but the most important facts that I have mentioned are the origins, founding of Saint Leo and holy name, building a church, mission and values.

Works Cited
Horgan, James J. " Origins." Pioneer College: The Centennial
      History of Saint Leo College, Saint Leo Abbey, and Holy Name Priory
. Saint
      Leo: Saint Leo College, 1989. 1-2-5. Print.
Horgan, James J. " Founding of Saint Leo University and Holy Name." Pioneer College: The Centennial
      History of Saint Leo College, Saint Leo Abbey, and Holy Name Priory
. Saint
      Leo: Saint Leo College, 1989. 49. Print.
Horgan, James J. " Building a Church." Pioneer College: The Centennial
      History of Saint Leo College, Saint Leo Abbey, and Holy Name Priory
. Saint
      Leo: Saint Leo College, 1989. 475- 476- 479. Print.
"Florida Catholic University | Saint Leo University." SaintLeo.edu | Saint Leo University. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2013.

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