Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Newcomer's Checklist

Newcomers’ Checklist


Checklist means the list you design before going to any place or before making any decision. We can also take it as pre requisites of anything. It is complete detail of all the important information. By the help of preparing a checklist, it is easy to arrange all the details in proper order. Newcomers’ checklist means all the details that are necessary to compile before making any decision. Checklist helps newcomers in making appropriate decisions. Suppose if someone wants to go to abroad for higher studies and he is new to that country then by preparing checklist it is easy for him to manage all the things. There are three of the newcomers’ checklist, which are getting a driver license, buying a car, and getting a home.

Newcomers’ checklist about getting a driving license

Before driving a car, it is necessary to have driving license. It is the duty of the officials to give driving license after checking all the relevant details. As a newcomer, in the field of driving a car, it is compulsory to check necessary information. Some points which are related to the checklist of a person before getting driving license are as following. 

1.      Physical condition of the person

2.      Mental health of the person

3.      Confidence level

4.      Written test

5.      Ability to face the situation

6.      Details regarding name and place of living

7.      Driving test

8.      Driving license fee

Before getting it is necessary to have a good physical condition. It is necessary for the officials to check the physical condition of the person. Eye side is very important in terms of getting a driving license. The person who are too young or too old and they want to drive. They should not get driving license and the person who have severe heart problem or cancer disease or have quite weak eye side. They should not get license as well.
It is also necessary to check the mental health of the person that he is in good condition or not. If some person is psycho patient then he is not able to get a license as he can turn the life of other people into danger also. It is also included in the checklist that confidence level of the person should be keenly observed. If he or she is not capable of driving a car on the road with confidence, then he or she should not get driving license.
Written test of the person is also necessary. By the help of the written test, it can be judged that person has basic knowledge of understanding signals and sign boards or not. It is also included in the checklist that person’s ability to face the situation can be checked. If a person gets panic to see any accidental case then he should not get driving license.
Name, gender, complete address with all authentic details is necessary to check. For getting a driving license, it is necessary to confirm all such information. So that in any case of disturbance, authorities can contact with the family. Driving test is must before getting a driving license. It will help to test the driving ability. Driving license fee is also important before getting a license as per policy of the country. If a person does not submit the fee, then he is not capable of getting license.(Getting Your Ontario Driver’s Licence)

Newcomers’ checklist regarding buying a car

There are always some risks before buying a car. These risks may include the risk of involving in accident situation, personally liking or comfort level. Before buying a new car, it is necessary to look at some necessary details so that a person cannot suffer in future. Newcomers’ checklist in terms of buying a car is as following.

a)      Check the safety measures

b)      Personal satisfaction

c)      Outlets of the company

d)     Comfort level of the car.

e)      Budgeting

f)       Engine performance and other equipment used in the car.

g)      Market value

Before buying a car, it is included in the checklist that person must check the safety measures of the car. He should check that in any dangerous situation, does the car have the capacity to face the worst. Safety measure is highly important while buying a car. Personal satisfaction means one’s liking or disliking about the car e.g. Color selection and overall presentation of the car. These things are very important. If you are not happy with the outlook of your car then you will never enjoy the ride of the car. Before buying a car, it is necessary to check the outlets present in the country because if there would be any problem then person can contact with authorized dealers so one should add this this in his checklist before buying a car. Comfort level of the car is very necessary to check. If car is not comfortable, then one can face many problems. Before buying a car, it is necessary to see the comfort level of the car.
Budgeting is also an important factor. If you are going to buy a car and it is out of your budget then it is very difficult to make choices and selection. Before buying a car, it is highly important to plan a budget and then select a car in that range. One should all the things of the car before buying it. It should be included in the checklist that person sees the performance of the engine and all the equipment used in the car. Market value of the car is very important as well. Suppose if one wants to re sale his car and market value of the car is very low then he has to face great lose. (Areal Tal)

Newcomers’ checklist regarding getting a home

Getting a home is very difficult task. One has to think many things before choosing a home. Home is the place where one lives and people usually spend their whole life in one home. So home should be comfortable. It is very necessary to make right choice before selecting the home. In this case, checklist is also very important. Some points are as following.

       I.            Area

    II.            Facilities

 III.            Re-sale value

 IV.            Personal liking

    V.            Budget

Before selecting a home, it is necessary to first select the area. It is very important to select which best suits you. Of you have bought a house in that area, which you do not like at all then it, will create problem for yourself. Before buying a new home, it is also necessary to check that that area contains all facilities or not. Home should be in that area where all facilities are present. It should be near to hospital, departmental store and other necessary places so that in terms of any mishap one can manage the situation. Re-sale value of the home is very also another factor, which is must to consider before buying house. This point should be included in the checklist that before buying a home, person is confirming that either the house has re-sale value or not.
Personal liking is also another factor, which needs to be considered before buying a home. You can never feel comfortable until and unless you don’t like the home. So person should select the home after personal liking. Managing proper budgeting is also included in the checklist. If you are going to get a house and it is out of budget then it will create difficulties in one’s life so proper budget is very essential.(How to Make Checklist Before Purchasing a New House)                                                  


In conclusion, I must say that checklist is very much important in terms of deciding or getting anything. By the help of preparing a checklist, it is easy to arrange all the details in proper order. Newcomers’ checklist means all the details that are necessary to compile before making any decision. I must say that one who wants to successful in the life, that person must prepare all the things before making decisions. I believe individuals past experiences really count it making certain decision regarding major judgments in their lives.


 Works Cited

·         Areal Tal. "Factors to Consider When Purchasing a Car." 2006. yahoo. http://voices.yahoo.com/factors-consider-purchasing-car-80766.html?cat=27. 2013.

·         "Getting Your Ontario Driver’s Licence." n.d. newcanadianimmigrants. https://sites.google.com/site/newcanadianimmigrants/living-in-ontario/getting-your-ontario-driver-s-licence. 2013.

·         "How to Make Checklist Before Purchasing a New House." n.d. wikihow. http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Checklist-Before-Purchasing-a-New-House. 2013.

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