Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How to Choose a Major

Abdulaziz Almelibari
Jebreen Aljebreen
Majed Nazer
How to Choose a Major
At some point in the process of choosing a college, you may have to choose a college major, or at the very least begin to narrow your options. Several students usually get lost when they graduate from high school for they pick a university without knowing what major they want to study. Others do not know how to pick a major or what things should be considered to choose the right one. Also, many students start college randomly or later in life decide to pick the major not realizing that by doing this they are not helping their future. On another hand, some students choose a major because it will prepare them for a specific job path. There are important steps to follow in addition to help you to find the right major.
Why does someone need a degree? It is important to choose a major for the future that can be helpful to get into a big company so that you have a great job and a good place to work. If you are not sure you should ask someone who is an older than you because he will know a lot about majors since he has experienced on college and work or you can ask your parents or friends. they are going to give you good advise that will help you to find a way to choose your degree. also, you can search on the internet about which major is good for you in addition of that you can find test that will find your skills and matched with a list of degrees and about majors that have a high demanded of hiring then doing a major is required to get a good job. which one is good for future? there is a lot of good majors that will help you in the future and it's required in the most of companies. most of the people who want to get good job in a big company go to ask about a available major that is needed to get into their company with that information they will choose the one that they like the most. To be ready to start to studying a good major that you think you will be good on it, first, you have to be interesting. second, know the steps that you need to achieved your goal, there are people who feel bad to change a major that they already start but they didn't like it but they don't want to start a new one because is expensive and take more time; You should be really sure about the decision you take in choosing a major, because if you like it you will pay more attention about what you are interested on. Also, It will not be hard to study because you will enjoy what you are learning, for that reason you will be an excellent professional and great candidate to find a good job because you will show your interest and knowledge more easily and you will enjoy your work, so in that point of your life you will see that you took the best decision on your degree and for your life. At first it will be difficult but you have to take your time thinking about what you really want, when you find what you really like everything else will be flowing.
First of all, the most important things when choosing a major is to look for is the courses. By this, you must determine you have to take. Also, you must find the number of hours you need to take to graduate. After that, decide if it is too difficult for you? You can anyone who studies at the university about the major you are thinking about. A current student might be able to help you learn more about the major. Next make the most of the general education courses you're required to take. Don't just pick whatever's easiest; choose the ones that appeal to you, even if they are high level courses. (BURNSED, 2011) You do not yet know what will really compel you. Have your radar on for clues that might be pointing you in new directions.
Second, students usually choose their major without having any idea about that major. Some continue for two years in this major and then they decide that they do not like it. Everyone should ask themselves before they choose, “What type of career can you see yourself in?” (BURNSED, 2011) However, I know some of my friends and my classmates who could not complete the courses because they did not like the classes. Then, they changed their major and lost some credits. A person should like the major before they register for it. For example, some students do not like math and they should avoid a majors that has a lot of math classes. Another question is “how important is someone’s major?” The major you choose will neither predict nor guarantee your future. Many graduates find jobs that have nothing to do with what they studied in college.
Another thing to do is to ask your friends in school to help you choose the right university and major. Ask them about the university, is it hard or not? Most universities are hard to get accepted into and/or are hard to study. Some students choose the university without any idea about the level of teaching in there. However, with an advice like that in mind, I still have friends here in the United States who studied in universities that was too hard for them so they had to leave without graduating. It is also important to research the style of teaching and the level of education of the professors there. Everything is related when choosing a major. A professor with a high passing score at a higher level university gets normally great reviews which makes that university and that class in particular a great pick for most of the students. Other students don’t care about the level of education; instead, they base their choice of a major on how easy the professor is. The easier the class, the more students will register. But, would that be the right major? Probably not! Students are more likely to be lost within the vast web of majors by the time they finish with those easy A classes. A student might think by choosing an easy class, they would have a better chance at graduating with the degree that class offers. Unfortunately, that is not true! That degree can be one that has to have a hand on experience to go with it when trying to find a career. Or it could be a degree that is too difficult to pursue in higher education.
Moreover there are students that would pick a major because of TV commercials that state how many jobs are available for this major, or how much money they can make by obtaining a degree in that major, and sometimes they even look for those commercials that indicate how short of a time can someone obtain a degree in that major. In those cases, those students might be bright, but they might not afford going to a full time college or spending 40 hours plus in school a week. A person should not look at those examples as a reference when picking a major because it only applies to the people involved and it might not serve every students’ need.
One more thing to explain in choosing a major is what a students’ life circumstances are. A person who might have difficulty finding a job or succeeding in one might look at the major they are picking as a way of finding themselves in life. So, a good major in such a case would be one that would take that student to the next level and not let him down or discourage him from studying.
The good news is that there is all kind of tools available for everyone to use when picking a major. Whether it is your friend, your teacher, your advisor or a research that you have done; everyone that you might ask has answers for the questions you are seeking. It’s up to you to decide what you do with the information you get. A major is supposed to be the first step in someone’s journey towards a bright future. If you love something and believe you can be successful in it, then finding the major to study and specialize in is an easy step. One important thing remains though, dedication! One can follow his or her dreams but when stress rises, giving up seems like a good option. So you should always remember the fact that whatever you pick, has to be something you love and believe in. The most successful people out there did it because they believed in what they do and they loved it from the beginning.
Works Cited
Burnsed, B. ( 2011, September 19). Retrieved 3 15, 2013, from Ways to Pick the Right College Major: Web.
Importance of College Education." CollegeView - College Finder & Recruiting Service. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. Web.
"The importance of getting a degree - NCVA Gamma Beta Phi." NCVA Gamma Beta Phi - Exploring Your Options After High School - Information about Sororities. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2013.

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