Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How Our New Students Can Get a Driver's License

Abdulmajeed Alali
Faisal alqarni
Abdullah algadeer
How to Get a Driver’s License
          If someone wants to drive he has to get a driver license. A lot new student come to the United stats and drive with out driver license thinking that the rules are like the rules in their countries but its not. There are some students that got in troubles because of driving with out driver license and some of them got in gall. When people come to the U.S they can drive with their international driver license but for three months only, and that what makes some people get lazy and don’t get their U.S driver license before those three months. There are some students that have been studying in the U.S for three years and they didn’t get a driver license yet but some of them have been lucky that the police didn’t poll them over other ways they may get in a big trouble. New students think that getting the driver license is hard but it’s not because the DMV gave them a lot of help. For example, they allow the international Pearson to take a translator with them, and they can make one of the employs go with the person how wants to take the test and ask them with explaining in steed of taking the computer exam. There is an exam that could alcohol exam; this exam will teach people how to be responsible about drinking and driving which is an important thing to know. Drinking alcohol and driving is one of the most dangers thing that a person can do, it can kill him and kill incent people. According to Genevra Pittman, NEW YORK more than 50% of the people who get killed in a car accident had alcohol or drugs in their system at the time of the crash, according to a new study. The international students that have an international driver license don’t have to take the alcohol exam that takes 4 hours. That’s show the student how the DMV made it easer for the international students. Other thing that makes getting the driver license an important thing is buying a car. When a person wants to buy a car he has to get insurance. The insurance companies in the United Stats are so scrounger and they add fees for any simple mistake. The person who doesn’t having a driver license will pay a lot of money to get insurance. To get the driver license a person should follow some steps and those steps are not hard but people feel lazy to do them. The steps that the person should take to get a driver license are getting all of his documentation that DMV need, take the exams and passing them, and pay the fees. If someone do these things, he will get the driver’s license by mailing it to his home or by asking him to pike it up from them. When people get their driver’s license they can drive with out any problems in the U.S streets.
First, the person who is applying need to have his identification ready; before, he go to them. The identifications required are an ID that has the person name and picture. This ID most the time will be the person’s passport. The ID will help them to know the person who is applying and match his information on the driver’s license that his getting. The second thing that they will ask for is two mail proofs of address that the person live in to verify identity and legal status. They need to know the place that the person lives on to know how to get him when they want him. Another reason why they need the address is the tickets that the person is going to get will come to the address that he but on file. If the person who is applying is an international student they will ask him to get his I-20 to prove that he is legal in the county.  Finally, with collecting all the information they need from the person, he need to be there on time to a vision test and take a picture for his license
Second step, before people go to the driver license office they need to take the four hour drug and alcohol traffic awareness course, the written DMV test on road signs, and rules they all available online From approved school. If the person who is applying to get the driver license has another driver license from any other place in the world he dose not have to take the four hour drug and alcohol traffic awareness course. The signs test will tell if the person knows all the signs that he will see in the road, which is very important. The rules test will tell if the person knows the rules of driving. For example, it will teach him the right time to use the turning signals. After you receive the certificate to completing the courses then he need to make an appointment with the driver license office to get the test-driving behind the wheel. In the driving test a person of the DMV will go with the one who want to take the test in your own car and testing his way of driving. The vehicle that the person will take the test in should have a valid tag, proof insurance, and pass the vehicle inspection.
            Third step is paying the fees. To get a driver license people should pay the fees. For example, the fee to get a new Florida driver license is $48. DMV have different types of driver license such as learners Drivers License, class E renewal, class D driver’s license renewal, and commercial Drivers License. Each one of the driving license types has a different amount of fee. After paying all the fees that the person wants to get he can get his driver’s license. There are some other fees that the person who is getting the driver’s license is going to pay after that which is are the fees to renew the driver’s license and if the he lose it he should pay to get another one.  
              In conclusion, getting a driver’s license is so important for all people. People should not driver with out a driver license so they don’t get tickets. All though, the DMV made getting the driver’s license easer for the international people, there are some of them didn’t want to get it because the y think that it will be just okay not to have one. It is not okay to drive with out a driver’s license because in some case some of those people go to gall. Getting a lot of tickets is not fun as well. People who dose not speaks English very well will not have any problems with getting the driver license. The DMV allow those people to have a person that translate for them during the test that they are taking to get the driver’s license. The driver’s license that the international people have allow them to use it in the U.S for only three month all though there are some people that have been driving in the U.S for three years with out a driver’s license. Some of those people that drive without a driver’s license for years and didn’t get on trouble are lucky but they will get on trouble one day if they don’t get their driver’s license. And people who have a driver’s license from other countries don’t have to take the four hours alcohol and drugs exam. Even though, the alcohol and drugs exam is important because a lot of the accidents in the U.S are from drivers that drive under influence. Getting driver’s license will save people a lot of money not just that they will not take tickets that they don’t have one, but even with buying a car. To be able to buy a car people should have insurance. The insurance companies charge a lot of money for people who dose not have driver’s license. There is a big different between the price that the person with out a driver ‘slicense pays and the price that the person with a driver license pays. The steps that the person should do are very simple, but people are so lazy to do them. If those people think about those simple steps they can do it in one single day. Those steps include getting all the identification and the paper work, taking the entire test, and paying the fees. After doing these things, the person will be able to get the driver’s license. People get their driver’s license in 30 days, for the most time, in their mailbox or the DMV asks them to come and pick it up form their office. That is how simple people can get their driver’s license and they should get it and drive safe and responsible. 

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